iPhone Gaming YouTubers You Should Know

When you can't play games, you can still watch them

While traditional gamers have PewDiePie and Markiplier to help them while away the hours, iPhone gamers don't have nearly as many channels to turn to. That doesn't mean it's entirely without hope.

If you're eager to get your fill of other people playing the games that you haven't, the following four YouTubers cover everything you're hoping to see. Even better, they offer a different approach to the subject, giving you a reason to enjoy every one of the YouTube channels presented below.

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Lonnie iPhone Games YouTuber
What We Like
  • Reviews games before the official release.

  • Entertaining over-the-top commentary style.

What We Don't Like
  • Inconsistent upload schedule.

  • Unscripted videos often veer off topic.

Lonnie is the role model for entertaining folks while showcasing iPhone games of all shapes and sizes. From the hottest hits to the most obscure oddities, Lonnie covers them all.

With new videos every day, more or less, and a quick-cut and quick-witted production, you can't help but giggle and smile through every viewing. That said, his frantic style of delivery may not fit everyone's tastes. Still, if you love iPhone games, you owe it to yourself to give Lonnie a try. 

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Phonecats iPhone game Youtuber
What We Like
  • New videos daily.

  • Honest reviews.

What We Don't Like
  • Repetitive content.

  • Boring commentaries.

If you prefer your iPhone games to be a little more strategic, Phonecats is the YouTube channel to bookmark. Chris, the channel's host, revisits many of the same games to show you how his experience changes over time.

Games like Clash Royale, VainGlory, and Hearthstone get a good deal of attention. So do less strategic games like Mortal Kombat X and Growtopia. Chris also does live stream videos on Twitch every day. 

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TouchGameplay iphone games Youtuber
What We Like
  • Frequent live streams.

  • Lots of driving game videos.

What We Don't Like
  • No in-depth reviews or walkthroughs.

  • Lengthy videos.

If you want your gameplay clean, uninterrupted, and without commentary, TouchGameplay is the channel for you.

While the producer of this channel occasionally dabbles in narrating reviews, for the most ​part, you'll watch lengthy Let's Play videos with no commentaries, letting you experience the first hour or so of a game to get a handle on whether it's for you.

Some of the video titles misleadingly include the word "trailer." Don't let that fool you: with TouchGameplay, you're in for videos that can eat up your afternoon.

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Pocket Gamer

Pocket Gamer
What We Like
  • Exclusively mobile titles.

  • Tips and reviews.

What We Don't Like
  • Short videos.

  • Limited coverage of upcoming releases.

Pocket Gamer offers video reviews, early hands-on looks at upcoming games, and videos with a straightforward editorial approach.

This YouTube channel has the backing of a company that knows the value of video in the 21st century. Entertaining, polished, and informative, you'd have a hard time finding ​a more complete offering than this.

Find More YouTube Let's Play Videos

While the YouTubers listed above are the biggest names in iPhone Let's Play videos, they're far from the only ones. Don't limit yourself to YouTube if you're interested in iPhone gaming videos. Consider Twitch and check out Mobcrush, a ​live streaming service similar to Twitch but dedicated to mobile games. Watch as Mobcrush's top personalities play live, and check out their past videos in the archives.

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